Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What are the religions of the World? How do they coexist?

Puritanism and Anne Bradstreet are just a tiny pieces to the large pool of the World's religions. In almost every history class taken since elementary school, I've heard about the Puritans. I honestly could care less about learning more about them, but I've never really thought about how many religions there are in the world. There are 33,820 different denominations in Christianity alone. Amazing when you think that when the the belief started there was only one. Everyone has different beliefs, but I've never explored the differences of those beliefs.  http://www.philvaz.com/apologetics/a120.htm
The exact number of religions in the world today is just an estimated number, however, most theologians agree that there are two hundred and seventy major religions in the world today. As far as religions that believe in a higher power goes, only four have a single God. These are the monotheistic groups: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism. All others fall into the polytheistic group, meaning a belief in more than one divine being. Below are sixteen of the thousands of Hindu gods  .http://www.hyperhistory.net/apwh/essays/cot/t0w03monopolytheism.htmhttp://www.religioustolerance.org/worldrel.htm
Every devout believer of any religion only trust in their own religion. The opposing number of beliefs have caused many conflicts throughout history. The most famous in our history are the Crusades. Constant battles taken place over many centuries for the conquest of Jerusalem. The most heard of modern day wars take place in the Middle East and Africa between different denominations of Islamic belief or against the Jews of Jerusalem. 

Today, the United States is one of the leading examples of religious tolerance. In a world devastated by constant Holy Wars, this is a good thing. There will never be one dominating religion. Trying to make it so is foolish and has been the cause for hundreds of millions of death throughout history. It's probably also a naive thought to believe that one day everyone will tolerate one another's beliefs. All we can do is educate everyone on the different theologies and hope everyone will understand why all of these religions exist.  http://thekingdomcome.com/religious_deaths

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